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How to Love Yourself and Take Control of Your Financial Future with Dr. Sharalyn Payne



Dr. Sharalyn Payne is an empowerment teacher and manifest coach who helps driven women accumulate massive wealth, accomplish their ambitions, and attract and keep high-value men so that they can create a fulfilling and rewarding life complete with a healthy bank account and portfolio.

In this episode, listen in as Dr. Sharalyn gives us her points on how to achieve goals in life and take control of your monetary potential.

If we can love ourselves better, we make better decisions, and we also run into better opportunities because we’ll be ready for them.

What inspired you to create your “Win Like Floyd Mayweather” audio training?

Dr. Sharalyn: We all want to win, right? He’s Floyd “Money” Mayweather. I was watching one of his fights and decided to dig into how he actually trains to win. We all want to win but few of us want to actually train to win. Mayweather wins because he is disciplined, and winning absolutely takes discipline. I continued to drive my old Lexus even though I was earning a lot of money because I had a goal to take that to the next level, and I didn’t want to buy a new car until I could afford to pay in cash. Are you willing to be disciplined to win big and to win consistently?

How did you get to where you are today?

Dr. Sharalyn: My success was born through pain and suffering. I used to work in corporate America and eventually decided that it was too much. I looked good on the outside, but really, I was going through a really, really bad relationship at the time. I was so miserable and depressed that I didn’t care whether I lived or died. I remember my mom acknowledging that I really was suffering at that point in my life, and it struck me just to have my feelings validated by her. I continued going up the corporate ladder but I stayed guarded because I never allowed anyone to ask me, “How are you doing?” What’s more, so many important people in my life came and went: My biological father committed suicide, my surrogate father fought cancer without sharing it for years, and a good friend of mine likewise died from cancer. This was all on my heart during that time. I eventually came to the conclusion that I needed to have a plan, because nobody was going to create a plan for me. I also knew that I have to prepare for tomorrow. Both my biological and surrogate father left insurance policies for us. I decided to start fresh and left that courtroom with nothing but my name, in spite of the fact that I was married to a self-made millionaire. But I knew then, as I know now, that you and you alone are in control of your financial future.

What advice do you have for women who are currently in the position you used to be in, to help them see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel?

Dr. Sharalyn: Number one: Just recognize that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your misery is only as deep and as dark and as painful as you make it. Take back your power by living in the moment and surrounding yourself with beautiful, supportive people instead of investing so much of your energy into unproductive or even destructive activities and relationships like I did in my marriage. You won’t have everything figured out right away. Just breathe. We get so into the pain that we don’t realize that there is a season for everything, and that this pain will eventually end.

What does “abundance” and “wealth consciousness” mean to you?

Dr. Sharalyn: To me, it’s about having freedom, not necessarily just to be able to buy whatever I want, but to be able to make decisions that are good for me. Abundance is continually striving to be better, and living in a space that allows me to do that.

What limiting beliefs stopped you for a long time to getting to where you are today?

Dr. Sharalyn: I woke up this morning and found myself writing down: “You’re worthy.” For the longest time, I only ever thought I was worthy of pain and not of love because of all the loss I experienced in such a short space of time. Even in corporate America, despite my leadership and prestigious role at my company, I was always overlooked and not being paid what I was really worth. That really put me in the position where I thought I was less than. That all changed when I was speaking to my mom one day and she told me, You are worthy of love.” That was life-changing for me. Now, I remind myself to not allow my past to dictate my thoughts and decisions.

What’s a ritual or practice that you want to leave our listeners with?

Dr. Sharalyn: We have got to stop jumping over oceans for people who won’t step in puddles for us. We’re so focused on external validation. We all want to be that good friend or that reliable person that you can always count on. But who can you count on and who is that person for you? You have to prioritize your dreams and your goals. Sometimes, we’re so caught up in being there for other people that we’re not being there for ourselves. If we can love ourselves better, we make better decisions, and we also run into better opportunities because we’ll be ready for them.

What projects are you working on this year?

Dr. Sharalyn: I’m so pumped about my upcoming women’s event (although men are also welcome) in September called Atlas. It is all about creating synergies in our life. I called it “Atlas” because we all need a roadmap for where we want to go; but, sometimes, the best way to get there is to be around the right people and the right thought leaders. You’re going to walk away with a plan. There’s nothing like getting the right people in the right room.

Learn more about Dr. Sharalyn Payne

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